분류 전체보기 (8) 썸네일형 리스트형 해외여행 바다로 갈때 준비물_ 바다 수박풍선 그리고 우리, 챙겨주지 못해서 미안해 해외 여행의 마지막날 👀 출발할때 준비는 남편한테 모든걸 맡겨뒀는데 여행은 혼자 하는게 아니라는걸 새삼 깨달음 식구가 늘어서 처음하는 해외여행인데 당연히 한명이 3명것을 모두 챙기기는 어려울텐데 아무말도 없이 여행계획을 짠 남편 그렇다면 부족한 부분을 챙기는건 말하지 않아도 암묵적으로 내 역할인데 5시간 넘게 걸리는 해외에서 물위에 둥둥떠다니는 다른 친구의 수박풍선을 아이가 가지고 놀고 싶어할때서야 아이가 풍선을 좋아한다는걸 깨닫다니 왜 한국에 있는 볼풀들이 생각나다니 왜 다이소가 그리운건지 참으로 바보스럽다 다이소에서 5000원 밖에 안하는데.. 바람빼서 챙기면 공간도 작게 차지하고 아들의 사랑스러운 장난감이 되어 더욱 완벽한 하루를 선사해줬을텐데.. 5년이나 아들 엄마면서 새삼스러운척 하긴.. 니가 .. 내가 쓰고 싶은 글 최근에 글을 쓰고 싶다는 생각이 참 많아졌는데 개나 소나 책을 내기 때문인것 같다. 나쁜의미로 하는 말이 아니라 글쓰기를 전문적으로 하는 사람이 아니더라도 자신의 솔직한 감정을 담는다면 좋은 글이 되는 시대가 된 것 같다. 사실 옛날 사람들이 쓰는 은유 비유 이런것들이 지금 현대 사람들한테 와닿지 않는것도 그렇고 (나를 보면 그럴 지능도 없는 것 같음.) 그래도 자신을 솔직하게 표현하는 것. 글에서 내가 나답게 있을수 있는것이 더욱 매력이 되는 시대인것 같다. 나는 언제나 다른사람들에게 힘이 되는 글이 쓰고 싶었는데 준비가 될때를 기다렸는데 이제는 그러지 않아도 되겠다는 생각이 든다. 왠지 내 글을 읽으면 사족이 많아서 때로는 변명같아 보이는 때가 많아서 쓰기조차 싫을때가 있는데 짧지만 시대를 관통할 수.. 23.4.17 practice Well I think that it is tolerable. well I think it's tolerable so, my boyfriend is nice and good. is it good for me? I mean, isn't it nice that my boyfriend is being thoughful and caring with good manners? I mean, isn't it nice that my boy friend is being thoughful and caring with good manners? it makes my boy friend's good reputation this is good thing I think it could boost his reputaion, whic.. 4.10 영작연습 Why are you long face? I hate instagram, other people's life look so perfect. you know, that photo is gathering their highlight's of their lives. but I can't help feeling like looser when I compared. Don't do that. what is worth to you, but I did same really? you look so confidnet. No, when I watched other influencers, I felt to myself bad due to comparison. Did you think that they are so nice w.. 4.9 영작연습 the weather got really warm now. In south Korea, we have get the cherry bloosoms are already full bloom. My family and my friend's family went to picnic together near the river for camping. yesterday, I actually had headache, so I wanted to stay at home, on the other hand, I want that my son play with other children. She is just a year older than me. but sometimes, I feel that she is so greedy. .. tofle 연습 I disagree with the statement that the government should force rich people to share their wealth with poor people by imposing higher taxes on them. First, imposing higher taxes on the rich is unfair. To be specific, it is unfair to make them pay higer taxes just because they are rich, since most of them earn their money by working hard. Second, there are many voluntary ways to help poor people. .. TOFLE TOPIC IDEA I prefer deciding after taking time to think things over to making decisios instantly. First, decision is very importand. it can affect to rest lives Forexample, marrige and pharchasing an apartment are long term commitment, So it need time to thin deeply. Second, hasty decision leads to mistakes. Forexample, I bought clothes hastly and later regretted because I didn't have enough money to buy t.. 토플주제 1. Describe an activity that you have recently begun to enjoy. Explain why you enjoy it. Include details and examples to support your explation. 2. Which do you consider to be the most rewarding job among university professor, researcher and journalist? Include details and examples to support your explanation. 3. Describe two cities you have visited. Explain the differences between them. 4. Is i.. 이전 1 다음